Solar power and our appliances


Solar power systems help in running certain appliances at home which utilize very less electric supply. These residential solar power systems are installed at the location where the solar energy is trapped easily. Mostly these are installed at the rooftops of the house so that there can be maximum storage of solar power energy. These Pedleys Solar systems are then connected with the main grid so that they help in running of certain appliances and light bulbs at home.

This technology is growing gradually as many people are coming to know of its benefits and how it helps in curtailing the electricity bill which shoots up due to unnecessary running of small appliances at all hours of the day. However, this system is a huge hit only in those areas of the country where the sunlight can be trapped and this system is a complete failure in places where the sun does not shine effectively and for long hours of the day and the areas where rain and clouds are frequent this system turns out to be a huge disappointment.

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